#16 Briony Howell

Is it possible to record satisfaction?

Briony Howell - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery


What disturbs you?

Briony Howell - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery


If evolution had panned out differently and wings hadn’t been created, what would humanity look like?

Briony Howell - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery


What would you most loved to be asked?

Briony Howell - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery


Where are you going?

Briony Howell - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery


Please visualise a lost place.

Briony Howell - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery


What would happen if you lost your drawing hand?

Briony Howell - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery


Please create something only you would have made as a 10 year old.

Briony Howell - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery


Please draw my portrait.

Briony Howell - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery


Where can we find more of your work?

Briony Howell - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery

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