#126 Hanna Antonsson

Hanna Antonsson is currently based in Stavanger, Norway. Animals, feelings and the future are subjects often brought up in her projects. So we decided to interview her.


What’s the most realistic feeling you know?

Hanna Antonsson Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery


What if you always tried to do things the long way?

Hanna Antonsson Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery


Will Artificial Intelligence enhance or diminish our humanity?

Hanna Antonsson Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery


What does it mean to be a woman in 2015?

Hanna Antonsson Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery


Show us something painful.
Hanna Antonsson Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery

Face your fear.

Hanna Antonsson Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery


What’s beauty anyway?

Hanna Antonsson Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery


Please create a portrait of me.

Hanna Antonsson Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery


Fuck shit up.

Hanna Antonsson Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery


Where can we find more of your work?

Hanna Antonsson Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery

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