#173 Kelly Björk

Kelly Björk is an artist, illustrator, and kitty-mama living in Seattle, Washington. She hopes to connect fellow humans together through her work by bringing attention to the tender humour found in the little things.


Visualise the inside of your mind.

Picture Interview Kelly Björk Kollektiv Gallery


What does intimacy look like?

Picture Interview Kelly Björk Kollektiv Gallery


Picture a special night with a friend.

Picture Interview Kelly Björk Kollektiv Gallery


What’s the most realistic feeling you know?

Picture Interview Kelly Björk Kollektiv Gallery


Share a secret.

Picture Interview Kelly Björk Kollektiv Gallery


Remember something from childhood.

Picture Interview Kelly Björk Kollektiv Gallery


What makes you feel strong?

Picture Interview Kelly Björk Kollektiv Gallery


Please create a portrait of me without knowing my face.

Picture Interview Kelly Björk Kollektiv Gallery

What do you want to celebrate?

Picture Interview Kelly Björk Kollektiv Gallery


Ask yourself a question.

Picture Interview Kelly Björk Kollektiv Gallery

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