#98 Ben Gore

Ben Gore is a Brighton based creative who produces documentary/photography projects and zines, he tells Kollektiv, “But I also dabble in writing, publishing and painting. I really liked finding photos to answer the questions with. I got to dig through photos and it was fun looking at them in a different way to see how they could work with the question.

What are you most proud of?
Picture Interview Ben Gore Kollektiv Gallery

What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken?
Picture Interview Ben Gore Kollektiv Gallery

Tell us about your ancestry.
Picture Interview Ben Gore Kollektiv Gallery

Is social media creating a selfish generation?
Picture Interview Ben Gore Kollektiv Gallery

Where else do you want to live?
Picture Interview Ben Gore Kollektiv Gallery

Would you like to be immortal?
Picture Interview Ben Gore Kollektiv Gallery

Where are you in the moment between asleep and awake?
Picture Interview Ben Gore Kollektiv Gallery

Please create a portrait of me.
Picture Interview Ben Gore Kollektiv Gallery

If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do?

Picture Interview Ben Gore Kollektiv Gallery

Where can we find more of your work?
Picture Interview Ben Gore Kollektiv Gallery

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